Are You Fixing Up A Great-Running Clunker Car?

Posted on: 7 April 2020

Were you lucky enough to buy a clunker car that runs great for an outstanding price? Maybe the reason you got such a good deal on the car is that it needs some repairs. If that's the case, your best bet is probably to take the car to an auto repair body shop. By doing that, you'll have experts working on your car and making it look as good as it runs.
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3 Things That Should Be Done When Having Your Vehicle's Windshield Repaired

Posted on: 9 January 2020

Are you getting ready to have your vehicle's windshield repaired? Here are a few things you should do in addition to making a repair appointment: Secure Alternative Transportation Even if you expect to get your vehicle back from the windshield repair shop on the same day that you drop it off, it's a good idea to make some alternative transportation plans to ensure that you won't get stuck at home or at work when you need to be somewhere else.
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Reasons To Get Your Trailer Repaired Prior To Using It For The Season

Posted on: 23 September 2019

You have a trailer that you use to haul goods, and the season is coming where you want to use your trailer more frequently. Whether you use your trailer to haul heavy goods or you want to keep machinery safe from the elements and transport them to other locations, the trailer you use has to be sound. For many reasons, you want your trailer to be in good repair: your vehicle can be damaged or put under stress if your trailer is not in good condition, and your trailer itself can actually fail to operate well if it's not in great condition.
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Why Does Car Body Repair Work Cost A Lot?

Posted on: 24 April 2019

When you get a quote from a car body repair services provider, you may be wondering exactly how anyone could come up with such a number. After all, isn't most of the work just dealing with some metal, plastic and paint? Folks tend to assume there must be some price inflation like we see in healthcare, but there really isn't. It's worth learning more about what goes into estimating a car body repair bill.
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