3 BIG Reasons To Trust Automotive Paint Sandblasting To A Pro

Posted on: 28 June 2017

Whether you are in the process of making over a classic car or you just want to change the modern car you have, switching up the color of the paint can work wonders for its appearance. However, repainting a car or truck usually means all of the existing paint must be properly stripped away, which is a very tedious job, especially since the task tends to involve sandblasting. While you may have easy access to sandblasting equipment at the local hardware store or rental shop, it is better to trust this task to a pro. Here's a look at why that is the case. 

It is easy to damage the underlying body material if you are inexperienced. 

There is a lot of effort put into making sure sandblasting does not damage the body of the vehicle during paint removal by a professional auto body expert. The perfect grain of sand material must be used, along with just enough air pressure. If the precise rules are not followed, you can easily cause deep dings and scratches in the body and these can show up tremendously once the primer and paint goes on. If you have no sandblasting experience, these mistakes are all too easy to make. 

It is a lot of work to remove components for the sandblasting process. 

Before a section of a vehicle's body can be sandblasted, it will usually have to be completely removed or disassembled. This process can be a huge undertaking and can lead to a lot of extra work you simply are not prepared to handle in your own garage. Plus, taking apart the body of a vehicle can lead to problems if you do not have experience with doing so, which can leave you with needing help to put the vehicle back together when all is said and done.

Sandblasting vehicle components will mean you need a sectioned off area in your garage.

Any experienced sandblasting professional will tell you that having a sectioned off area to do the work is highly important. The grains of sand or other material used in the process can be distributed far and wide, which means doing this work just in your regular garage will mean everything in it could be covered in the material. For most average consumers, it is not logical or even possible to section off their garage. If you hire someone to do the paint sandblasting for you, this will not be your concern.

Talk with a company like Powder Coating Specialties for more information today.
